Inspirational visits to National Gallery and Watts Gallery - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Inspirational visits to National Gallery and Watts Gallery

Students this week visited two prestigious art galleries in preparation for their GCSE studies. Both gallery visits were arranged to inspire and stimulate the students in Years 10 and 11 by looking, analysing and observing the works of artists in both galleries.

On Tuesday 10th January, 25 Year 11 Art students visited The George Frederick Watts Gallery in Compton, Surrey. The visit enabled the students to develop preparatory studies about artists for their externally set assignment, ‘Beginnings and Endings’ which is part of their GCSE Art exam. The purpose of the visit was to enable the students to create their own ideas as responses to the theme.

On Wednesday 11th January, 34 Year 10 Art students visited the National Portrait Art Gallery, also in preparation for their GCSE Art coursework project, ‘Icons’, in which students explore the concept of “What is an Icon?" By producing many observations of both celebrities and figures of leadership, power and iconic status, the students then can make their own choice of which icon they wish to portray as their final artwork.

Please follow links below to find out further information about both galleries.






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