Student Journalists Start Work - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Student Journalists Start Work

Today, the first meeting of the new Danes Student Journalists took place at school. The Year 7 students spent their first session getting to know one another and writing spoof openings to articles as practice. In their next session, they will be joined by Mr van Dyk, a former journalist, who will be giving them an insight into the types of articles he used to produce. By the end of term, the aim is that each student will have written at least one article for the website under the watchful eye of the Trust’s Communications Lead, Mrs Thompson. One of the journalists, George, has already submitted an article which appeared last term here. Speaking about the role, Barnaby said that it was a “privilege” to have been chosen whilst Iman described how she was looking forward to “writing lots of articles that will hopefully be put onto the website”. We look forward to reading more from this talented team later in the term.



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