Franklin Scholars win at University of Oxford! - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Franklin Scholars win at University of Oxford!

On Wednesday 27th February the Franklin Scholars (a group of 15 Year 10 mentors) attended the Festival of Ideas, which was held at Oxford University. On arrival the group were given a tour around Queens College. They were then introduced to the three other schools that were participating in the festival. The first activity was a public speaking workshop. The students learnt how to stand and talk like a leader- the key is to roll your shoulders back! The students were then put into groups of 5, and were given a significant social issue for which they had to come up with innovative ways of solving. Finally, the students presented their ideas to a panel of judges. The teams performed extremely well, with one team being placed 1st and another team achieving 3rd place. The teams won £110 and have decided to spend the money on social action.

Franklin Scholar Co-ordinator Miss Sacks congratulated all the Year 10 students involved in the day. Miss Sacks said that she was proud of the students and that their performance was a credit to the school. 

Well done to the students on their successful participation in the festival!

To find out more about Franklin Scholars please follow the link below;





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