DofE Exciting Easter Expeditions - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



DofE Exciting Easter Expeditions

Over the Easter period we had two exciting DofE trips which took place, enabling students to continue developing skills such as communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork.  

Gold Practice Expedition 30th March – 3rd April 2022

21 students travelled to Derbyshire to undertake two days of training and a three day practice Gold expedition. The weather was not kind to them due to the heavy snow and cold experienced throughout the training. The students luckily overcame the weather to complete the five days over the northern peak district and climbing up onto the Kinder plateau, where they were treated to some fabulous views. An early start on the final day enabled most groups to be off the hills by lunchtime. The students will use this experience to prepare them for their qualifying expedition in the Lake District in July, where they are hoping for better weather! 

180 Year 9 students completed their two day Bronze training over the weekend of 25th/26th or 27th/28th March. The students walked from school to Phasel’s wood with a team of parent volunteers and 6th form ambassadors who helped train them on their navigation skills. In the evening the students were able to cook a meal on the Trangia stoves. The groups then walked back to school the following day, on a different route, with remote supervision so they could practice in preparation for their qualifying expedition in May or June.



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