Charity Football Match - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Charity Football Match

On Friday 22nd March, Year 11’s led by Jonny May and Cameron Traill organised our third charity football match to raise funds for Alzheimer's Society.  It was a very successful event and a close and entertaining game of football.  The two teams were evenly matched and there were some stand out moments of football:  Charlie Kindell’s second goal of the match was outstanding putting Cameron’s team ahead, Aayush Gajjar’s cracking goal put Jonny’s team back in contention eventually leading to a heartstopping penalty shoot out.  Cameron’s team were the victors! 

We would like to thank everyone who was involved with particular thanks to Amelie and Lois who ran the refreshments on the day, Aryan and Luke from Year 13 who officiated the match brilliantly with support from Jack and Kai in Year 11.

Special thanks to Mr O’Dowd who supported us every step of the way and thank you to all members of the Clement Danes community who came to watch the match and contributed to such a good cause.

Our Just Giving  will be open for a little bit longer if you would like to contribute. We are really proud that we have currently raised £2290 (including Gift Aid) to support the excellent work of the charity Alzheimer’s Society.

Jonny May and Cameron Traill 



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