Princes Trust Group to be Stallholders at the Christmas Market - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Princes Trust Group to be Stallholders at the Christmas Market

At the St Clement Danes PA’s Christmas Market, you will see some of our own students with their Santa’s Workshop stall. This is all part of a Princes Trust Achieve programme being run for Year 10 and 11 students alongside their GCSE choices. Hope, Abbie, Sasha, Harry, James and Nathan have been working this term on the Enterprise module, which involves the planning, costing, producing, promoting and selling of their own product. 

Mrs Kirby, who has been working with the students, said," All the students have participated in each step of the manufacturing process and it is exciting to see the final products going on sale tomorrow."

The money raised will be going to support three charities, The Sepsis Trust, Heads Together and Children in Need.

Thank you to the Learning Support Department for organising this programme at the school and well done to all the students involved – we hope you sell out!



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