Science Faculty show off their Science Mark Platinum Award - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Science Faculty show off their Science Mark Platinum Award

The Science Faculty were persuaded to pose with the Platinum Award that they received after being assessed for this prestigious award last term. St Clement Danes was one of the first schools in the country to be assessed for the award at the highest level possible, demonstrating the breadth and quality of provision on offer at the school.

The school received a visit from STEM Learning Ltd to verify its application. The assessor was impressed with both the staff and students when he visited and wrote: “The visit to the school only strengthened this application and I have to say, on a personal level, how impressed I was with the students. They were very honest and gave high praise of their school.” 

The Science Faculty, led by Mr Cumming, is pictured here with the award which examines a school’s provision in science in the following areas:

• Big ideas in science
• Personalisation of science to meet students’ needs
• Science enrichment activities
• The school’s vision for science education
• Staff development
• Curriculum, student progress and the school’s intervention programmes
• Partnership working

Mrs Quinton, who led the school's application for the award, is co-ordinating a number of activities for students this term in STEM related subjects, details of which can be seen here.

St Clement Danes is also the lead school for the Science Learning Partnership for South Bucks and West Herts, organising high quality CPD for Primary and Secondary science teachers to meet local identified science teaching and learning needs.


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